Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Introduction of Project

In order to understand determinants of different psycho-social problems of North eastern states, knowledge about questionnaire design by the people of those states is one of the critical issues for several reasons. Due to use of multiple languages and cultural dissimilarities, it is quite difficult to conduct action researches for psychologists living outside of northeastern states. Second is the problem of mobility. Due to insurgency people from outside states can not get accessibility to all parts of the north eastern states. Under such situation, it becomes quite difficult to make data based planning for the socio-economic growth of these states. On this backdrop, purpose of the project is to educate the interested people of north eastern states about different principles of questionnaire design.
With the advancement of technology, questionnaire design and administration are moving from manual mode to computer aided mode. The later one requires new principle for questionnaire design. Current project will pay attention to this issue.

Training will focus on
a. Introduction: Characteristics, Types and Uses of Psychological questionnaire, Social and Ethical considerations in questionnaire design
b. Exploring the variables: Participant observation, focused group discussion, participatory rural appraisal, field work, data monitoring; participative method, Interview techniques and qualitative data analysis, Graphic analysis, computer adaptive interview
c. Computer assisted questionnaire design, digital questionnaire
d. Principles of questionnaire development – item analysis, reliability, validity, norm.
e. Awareness of some widely recognized Psychological questionnaires that may be used for understanding common problems of North Eastern states.

Work Plan :
· Selection of collaborator : Initially one collaborator will be selected in order to organize the program. Central Board for Workers Education under the ministry of Labour, Govt. of India has been kindly agreed to be the collaborator of this project (vide Annexture). The board is active in conducting different researches for the organized and unorganized rural and urban workers of North Eastern States. Again, they have good networks across all the states of India.

· Selection of trainees : Approximate 40 trainees will be selected for the program.

· Training need analysis : A questionnaire will be developed to understand specific training needs of the trainees related to above courses.

· Preparation of training manual : One training manual will be prepared based on experts’ suggestions. Some of the experts will be requested to write specific chapters of the book.

· The training : The manual will be distributed to the trainees. Approximately 15 days will be spent for the training. Some local and outside experts will be invited to give training.

· Evaluation : Feedback from the trainees about the training will be analyzed in order to redesign the training program for future.


· The program will develop self efficacy in questionnaire design among the researchers of north eastern states.
· The training manual will be valuable for future researches in this area;
· Research paper may be published about different processes of training like training need analysis, analysis of training satisfaction, digital questionnaire etc.